join our conference!

We look forward to welcoming you to the "35 Years of Jean Monnet Actions" Anniversary Conference!

This event will take place on:

  • 09 October 2024 from 13:30 to 17:00 followed by an exclusive reception starting at 17:30,
  • 10 October 2024 from 09:00 to 12:30 followed by lunch.

The event will take place at the Square Brussels Convention Centre, and the exclusive reception & the standing dinner followed by a performance of "This is Europe" by Hendrik Vos, Frans Grapperhaus, and Filip Standaert will be held at Vaudeville Theatre. Once you are registered and approved, you will receive more information on the event logistics over email. 

You can find the full programme here on the event webpage. 

Please note that if you are approved, the European Commission will cover your travel and accommodation costs.

Ready to join us? Please register using the “Register Now” button to the right.

Kindly note that registration is only intended for those joining onsite. The plenary sessions will be webstreamed and the link will be available on the event webpage on the day of the event


The Jean Monnet Actions were launched by the European Commission in 1989 to support teaching and research in the field of the European Union studies and have recently expanded to cover the European dimension of teaching across the educational landscape including schools and VET institutes. 

This event will commemorate 35 years of Jean Monnet Actions (JMA), highlighting their role in strengthening the European dimension of teaching, as well as building academic communities of professors and researchers active in the field of European Union studies. It will provide an opportunity to take stock of and celebrate outstanding achievements of the Jean Monnet Actions and assert the enduring relevance of the initiative to participants and stakeholders. 

The interactive event will give speakers, panellists, moderators and participants the opportunity to network, cooperate, and brainstorm. The conference will provide an opportunity to reactivate the Jean Monnet communities to encourage long term cooperation and exchange on EU-matters among academics from all over the world. An active community can in turn attract young, up-and-coming academics to specialise and thus further strengthen the field of EU studies in the global academic community.


The event will take place in Square Brussels Convention Centre:

Glass Entrance
Mont des Arts/Kunstberg
B-1000 Brussels

It is important to note that the only entrance to the venue is via the Glass Cube, the main entry to the premises.


Access to the conference venue will be granted only upon presentation of your passport or ID card, and an approved registration confirmation. The identity document will be requested upon access to the venue (outside) and upon badge pick-up.

  • Please show your registration confirmation (QR code to be sent on the day before the event).
  • Your identity document should be carried with you at all times. 
  • Your registration is strictly personal and cannot be transferred.

Security check

You will go through an X-ray security check upon arrival. We advise you to leave your luggage at the hotel, if possible.


A cloakroom service will be operational throughout the event during the opening times of the venue. For security reasons, you are requested not to leave your personal belongings unattended and to drop your luggage in the storage room upon arrival at the venue.

managing your registration

What do I do if I forget my password?

  • Click here to login to the event website
  • Click the Don't know your password? Click here to reset it link
  • Enter the email address you used to register for the event
  • Click the Submit button
  • You will receive an email with a Reset Password button
  • Click the button and enter your new password in the Password field
  • Repeat the new password in the Repeat Your Password field and click Submit

Please check your spam and/or promotions inbox in case you did not receive the password reset email.

How do I change my email address?

  • Log in here using your email address and password
  • Make any necessary changes to your email address on the Information for profile validation tab
  • Click the Continue button until you reach the Confirmation page

Changes to your registration are not final until you have reached the Confirmation page.

How do I change the breakout sessions or edit my information if I have already registered?

  • Log in here using your email address and password
  • Click on Modify Registration
  • Make any necessary changes 
  • Click the Continue button until you reach the Confirmation page

Changes to your registration are not final until you have reached the Confirmation page.

Contact & questions

For further information regarding content, please contact

For further information regarding logistics, please contact